Vtne study books
Vtne study books

vtne study books

Test-takers are given three hours to complete the VTNE. The VTNE exam contains 200 multiple-choice questions. After graduation, students are able to take the VTNE. This can usually take up to two years to complete.

vtne study books

To become VTNE certified, you will need to first complete an approved course of study, such as a vet tech prep program. The cost to register and to sit for the VTNE exam is $320. Having a passing score on the VTNE gives the veterinary technician the VTNE credential. This exam is used to evaluate a candidate’s competency to become an entry-level veterinary technician. The VTNE certification is the Veterinary Technician National Exam.

  • *Please Note: over 5 attempts requires approval by the AAVSB Board of Directors.
  • However, the following states have strict retake requirements and require prior approval beyond 3 attempts:
  • Retaking Exam: you may retake this exam.
  • Scheduling Exam: once your application is reviewed and approved, you will receive an email directing you to select an exam date, time and location.
  • Language: test offered in English and French.
  • After refund deadline, partial refunds given for emergency situations only, such as death in family or medical emergency directly affecting you
  • Withdrawing: withdraw applicants will be given partial refunds as long as you do so before the application/refund deadline.
  • An $85 Veterinarian Online Score Transfer fee will apply Please note: you can transfer your score to a jurisdiction other than the one indicated on your application by submitting a request to VIVA Program. Score reports will also be posted on your MyAAVSB portal approximately 2-3 weeks after the exam window ends, in addition to being available to the respective provincial or state agency.
  • Scoring: reported as a scale score ranging from 200-800, with a passing scorebeing 425 you will receive an official printed score report immediately after finishing the exam.
  • Cost: $315payable by credit card during the online application process.
  • Please note: these 20 pilot questions will not count toward your score The other 20 are considered pilot questions and are only used to help create future exams.
  • Number of questions: 170 multiple-choice questions your score is based on 150 operational questions.

  • Vtne study books